FAAR will organise an international cup between federations.

Each federation will asign 4 teams to represent them in this cup.

Start date : 06.04.2005
Rules : eliminatory, 64 teams


- To join this cup you must be member of a federation
- each federations will asign maximum 4 teams to represent them
- users that are members in more federations must chose one federation to represent

The Cup will start at 6.04.2005

1-st place – 1 year supporter package
2-nd place- 3 months supporter package

* Each team will be pointed by the following:

3 pts for Win
1 pts for Draw
0 pts for Defeat

- for qualifing in 1/8final: bonus 10 points
- for qualifing in quarterfinals : 15 points
- for qualifing in semifinals : 25 points
- 2-nd place – 25 points
- 1-st place - 50 points

The federation that will have the most points will win the Federations Cup.
The sign in of the members will be made by the federation oficial representant. Federations that want to participate at this Cup will have to do it at this thread by posting the selected teams that will represent them.
The interested ones in joining this cup must talk to the federations chief officer or board member to tell them about this cup.